Saturday, October 18, 2008


She uses puzzles pieces as a pacifier!

Here is the puzzle piece, she sucks on the knobs. She had this one in her mouth for a couple of minutes while she was playing with her toys.

Watching the washer, its fun, you should try it! She does this quite often.

I was cleaning my bedroom one day and walked out to the living room to find her sitting in the drawers! Of course, she was in the ones that were stacked!

If its climbable, she will climb it, including Kevin and I.

Finally got a picture of her standing, looking at the camera!

I caught her playing Peek-a-Boo for the first time! I was trying to get her to say DA DA, but she decided to play peek-a-boo. She will pull things off of her face but this was the first time she covered her face by herself.

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